
The Work of Byron Katie

The Work of Byron Katie

Four Questions

1. Is it true?
2. Can you absolutely know that it's true?
3. How do you react when you believe that thought?
4. Who would you be without the thought?

And remember to turn it around.

Katie's first book, Loving What Is, introduced us to The Work.

Quote from Katie

If you want something to be different than it is, you might as well teach a cat to bark. You can try and try, and in the end the cat will look up at you and say, "Meow." Wanting something to be different than it is is hopeless.

We buy a home for our children, for our bodies; we get a garage for our car; we have dog houses for our dogs; but we won't give the mind a home. And we treat it like an outcast. We shame it and blame it and shame it again.
But if you let the mind ask its questions, then the heart will rise with the answer. And "rising" is just a metaphor. The heart will reveal the answer, and the mind can finally rest at home in the heart and come to see that it and the heart are one. That's what these four questions are about.

'How can I smile at the nagging thoughts that seem to take me from presence?'
Read the story.

Quote from the Q and A section

Does The Work work for depression or anxiety?

Before a feeling comes, there is always a thought: "I'm worthless." "I'm wasting my life." "Something terrible could happen." Our depression comes from believing these thoughts.
If you knew deeply inside yourself that these thoughts weren't true, would you still feel depressed? The four questions help you see what's really true for you. Many people around the world find that The Work is the fast way out of suffering. It can complement any other approach you choose.

We don't have to wait for the world to be free before we are free.

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Daruma Museum, Japan


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